Forensic Toxicology

Fast identification and analysis of drugs

With over 30 years’ experience supporting criminal and death investigations, we offer a wide range of forensic toxicology services either as off-the-shelf or bespoke packages which utilise our extensive analytical and forensic expertise.

Our forensic toxicology team investigates and interprets the presence of alcohol, drugs and poisons in biological samples for coronial, civil and legal purposes. Our results are determined and quantified using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) or liquid chromatography high resolution mass-spectrometry (LC-QTOF) with and are then fully interpretated with regards to the specific case circumstances.

Who do we work with?

We work with coroners, pathologists, analytical laboratories, solicitors and barristers and have established specific protocols and reporting formats to ensure that our service is precisely aligned with our clients’ requirements and the legal process, with full chain of custody in place.

Expert Witness

The experts at ASI are experienced at delivering an expert witness service, which includes incorporating all legally defensible results in an expert witness statement and attending court to provide testimony, if requested.

Contact our forensic toxicology experts to discuss the requirements of your case.

Contact Us

Our forensic toxicology laboratory is based at St George’s Hospital in London and is delivered across the UK.

Contact our team to discuss your case requirements.

UKAS 7641

All our forensic toxicology is undertaken in accordance with the Forensic Science Regulator’s Code of Practice.

Their excellent interpretation of results is very helpful.
Using an esoteric assay service saves us the time and money involved in setting up such screens.